
Thursday, June 7, 2012

June Harvest

It’s mid-June and the first harvest is on its way. The radishes have been plucked and eaten. Now it’s the salads turn. The kopfsalat has come in fast and green. It screams, “eat me”! A lot of people when harvesting salad would simply pull the whole plant or cut the head off. Though this is ok there are ways to prolong the plant so you can enjoy its riches longer. If you have a few heads of salad like I do you can go to each plant and pick off a few of the outer leafs. By doing this to all the plants you get enough to make your salad and the plants continue to grow. Now you obviously can only do this for so long before you need to just take the whole plant but it’s a good tip to prolong that harvest.
June is also a good time to start some new plants. I have planted more Radishes, salad, fenschel, corn, green beans and because the spinach went to seed quick this season I have planted more spinach. The other plants in the garden are coming along well. The peas and broad beans are blooming. The melon is also blooming and fruit should start to appear soon. The cucumber and zucchini is off to a slow start but with a lot of love it is growing as well. The assortment of cabbages are growing to huge sizes and kohlrabi has been harvested and more planted. On expereient is not going very well, eggplant. The plants have kind of just stopped growing and are not doing much of anything. On the other hand, the tomatoes and peppers are producing big fruits.
Every time I get out to the garden there is something new happening. It’s always fun and I can’t wait to see what has happened the next time I get out there. Another quick tip for you: neighbors! If you are like me and are in a community garden, it is important and a must to make sure you know your neighbors and trust them. I am extremely luck to have 2 of the best! Aaron and Bianca are not only good company to have a conversation with but you can trust them to look after everything when you are not there and vise versa. They too have a great blog documenting their journey. They have some great recipes to try out, (German language). Remember if you want to check out pictures just check them out here. 

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