
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lettuce, Lettuce, and more Lettuce!

If you are like me you have more Lettuce in your Garden then you know what to do with. They seem to all be ready for harvest all at once. If you remember back to one of my previous post about how to prolong the plant, you will remember that if you harvest the outer leaves first it will encourage the plant to keep growing and you will still have enough Lettuce for a tasty salad. Well, you can only do that for so long before you HAVE to harvest the whole plant. Now I am not a vegetarian but I do love salads and since I have started gardening I have been eating salads almost everyday. However, that just doesn’t seem to be enough. I have loads of Lettuce left and if you are don’t use it quick enough it will go bad and all that hard work has gone out with the garbage. 
I would like to pass on a little tip that I hope will help you keep your Lettuce a little bit longer while keeping it as fresh as the day you picked it. So here goes:
1. Fill you sink up with cold water.
2. Place your Lettuce in the sink and swish it around a bit to get rid of all the loose dirt.
3. Let it sit for a few minutes. (this will also bring back to life some of those limp leaves).
4. Drain the water.
5. With the faucet on low rinse the Lettuce once more and place in salad spinner.
6. Once the spinner is full but not packed, close it with the lid. 
7. Spin the Lettuce until dry.
8. Place a couple paper towels on the counter and lay your Lettuce on top.
9. Roll up the Lettuce in the paper towels, not too tight though.
10. Place in ziplock plastic baggie and put in your fridge.
That’s it! You will be able to go to your fridge and take out the Lettuce and have it be as crisp and fresh as the day you picked it. Now of course the one tool you will need here is the salad spinner. If you are a gardener you will need to invest in one of these. They are pretty cheap and a must have. 
So with that being said, until next time. Happy gardening….

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